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Re: [hylafax-users] Continuation on failure...

Thanks for the responses.

I'm not 100% sure what's happening now as today was our first real day in production.  It is also difficult for me to test what HylaFAX actually does.  So I'm asking what the default behavior is?

If a fax fails half way through (i.e. page 40 of 50) will HylaFAX start sending again from page 1 or will it start sending from page 41?

Secondly, is there anyway to control that?  From the responses I understand that it isn't?

Thank you

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 7:30 PM, Lee Howard <lee.howard@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is not correct. Does your HylaFAX installation retransmit all of the pages on each reattempt?

I think that the OP is experiencing normal behavior that cannot be changed, but you're expressing a different behavior than that which the OP expressed. The behavior you're expressing is what the OP wants, but I do not believe that such is a configurable option.



Siri Vias Khalsa wrote:

Hylafax will always resend the entire fax unless it was sent out with no errors. As far as I know there is no easy way to change this behavior. If the remote fax machine doesn't confirm that it received page 50 of 50, even if it confirmed the first 49, and Hylafax is unable to resume right away, it will mark the fax as failed, then later resend the entire fax, starting from page 1.

-Siri Vias

*Lee Howard*
*Mainpine, Inc. Software Development Lead*
Tel: +1 866 363 6680 ext 805 | Fax: +1 360 462 8160
lee.howard@xxxxxxxxxxxx | www.mainpine.com

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