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Re: [hylafax-users] faxaddmodem won't see the modem

At 03:44 PM 4/4/01 +0200, Eric Veldhuyzen wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 11:09:47PM +1000, Robert Colquhoun wrote:
>> At 02:38 PM 4/4/01 +0200, Eric Veldhuyzen wrote:
>> >This puts somthing like this (processnumbers change) into the background:
>> >
>> >/usr/local/sbin/ondelay /dev/ttyS1 /bin/bash -c "/bin/stty clocal && \
>> >         exec /bin/cat -u /dev/ttyS1
>> >
>> >and it saves the process id of this command in $catpid to be able to
>> >kill it later.
>> Maybe i am missing something but if that exits straight away doesn't that 
>> mean the '/bin/stty clocal' has failed?
>No, in that case the '$OUT' file would not have been created, but in this
>it is created, it is just an empty file.

onDev() only uses ondelay if the ONDELAY definition in faxaddmodem line 113
points to a valid file.  onDev is reconstructed without the use of ondelay
if alter the value of ONDELAY to point to a non-existant file such as
ONDELAY=/etc/foo  (in Linux anyway...)

You may want to try this - see if the problem is with the ondelay program...

With ondelay, the onDev() function is like this:

    onDev() {
        if [ "$1" = -c ]; then
            shift; catpid=`${ONDELAY} $tdev $SH -c "$* >$OUT" & echo $!`
            ${ONDELAY} $tdev $SH -c "$*"

Without ondelay, the onDev() function is like this:

    onDev() {
        if [ "$1" = -c ]; then
            shift; catpid=`$SH <$tdev >$tdev -c "$* >$OUT" & echo $!`
            $SH <$tdev >$tdev -c "$*"

I'm not bright enough to know what the real difference is here.  Without
spending a lot more time looking at it.


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