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Re: [hylafax-users] ./configure Missing C++ runtime support for gcc

Hi Mallapa

You still have the sed problem, you have to ensure it uses the new one you
instead of the standard one, I set it first in my path before running configure,


The error you should be looking at is:

<--- SNIP --->

> Using ".include <file>" syntax for Makefiles.
> Using /bin/sh to process command scripts.
> sed: There are too many commands for the /@SYSGID@/s;;;g function.

<--- SNIP --->

As you can see there is the sed error: "There are too many commands for the ..."

So even though you installed the depot, you still have to ensure that the new sed
first in your path, otherwise it won't be used !

In the meantime, Tim Rice has fixed this problem in configure, but I suspect that
fix is only available in the current development release from the CVS repository.


Alan O'Keefe
O'Keefe Systems Consulting
email:  aokeefe@primus.com.au
Phone:  +61 413 517168        Fax:    +613 97408893

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