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Re: [hylafax-users] Fresh system admin needs help - RH 6.2 + Hylafax-4.1beta2-8rh6.i386.rpm

At 05:14 PM 2/22/01 +0100, Harry M. Aasterud wrote:

>Howto 2.2.4 tells me to add a line m0:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/faxgetty
ttySx to
>/etc/inittab, and to run ntsysv. Does this apply as well for the send-only

Section 2.2.4 refers to RedHat installations.  cua0 isn't standard
nomenclature for RedHat these days.  Anyway, if you're using Linux, I think
that the standard has moved away from cua0 to ttyS0.  Both may work fine on
your system, I don't know.

Send only environments do not need to use faxgetty, but if that's the case
you do need to use faxmodem.  However, I would recommend that you use
faxgetty, but that you set "RingsBeforeAnswer: 0" in your config file.  See:



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