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Re: Brodcast Faxing

This perl script does not work via at but I think that it
can be made to work.  I believe that the broken part is my
.hylarc for the generation of the cover page.  I would like
this launched by at.  In order to do that I think that I
need a shell script to begin the whole shooting match

$from_var = "Wisconsin Chapter EASA";
$re_var = "Extended Deadline for Tri-Chapter"
$ph_file = "Request.txt";
$fax_files = "pg1.ps pg2.ps pg3.ps pg4.ps pg5.ps";
open (FILE,$ph_file) || die "Can not open file";
open (NEWFILE,">faxnumbers") || die "Can not open file";
@lines = <FILE>;
$x = 0;
while ($lines[$x]){
    $lines[$x] =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
    $lines[$x] =~ s/\"//g;
    ($ph, $name, $company) = split(/,/,$lines[$x]);
    $ph =~ s/-//g; 
    chop $company;
    # check for local calls
    if ($ph =~ /^329./){
	$cmd = "sendfax -f \"$from_var\" -x \"$company\" -r
\"$re_var\" -d \"$name\@$ph\" $fax_files";
    else {
	$cmd = "sendfax -f \"$from_var\" -x \"$company\" -r
\"$re_var\" -d \"$name\@1$ph\" $fax_files";
    system $cmd;
    sleep 180;
Dave Waller
Precision Drive and Control

For some reason a glaze passes over people's faces when you
"Canada".  Maybe we should invade South Dakota or something.
		-- Sandra Gotlieb, wife of the Canadian ambassador to the

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