Links and Other Resources
Sections on this page:
- Australia
Mirror of both website at
and of file depository at
are available.
You can find many of the contributions from HylaFAX users in the contrib
subdirectory of the main FTP site :
Legend :
Copy of the software can be found on the main ftp site.
Available only from the author's home pages.
- HylaFAX Client programs:
faxfrontend by Glenn Burkhardt
A Qt based fax client intended for use with the CUPS printing system.
It can also be used stand alone on systems without CUPS.
Available from
whfc by Ulrich Eckhardt
is a 32-bit fax client for Windows 95/98/2000 and NT 4.0.
Homepage is at www.uli-eckhardt.de/whfc/.
Latest stable version is 1.2.1.
Cypheus by Bodo Noeringhttp://www.cypheus.de/
An actively supported HylaFAX client for Windows 95/98/NT4 which uses an impressive GUI.
HylaFSP by iFAX Solutions
A simple, user-friendly client for faxing from Windows 2000/XP.
HylaFSP plugs directly into Microsoft's own 'fax services' and
includes support for coverpages (via Microsoft's coverpage editor),
local and shared contacts, and generates high-quality TIFF output
for great looking faxes.
Homepage is at www.ifax.com/HylaFSP/.
gnu.hylafax by Joe Phillips jaiger@net-foundry.com
A Java package implementing the HylaFAX client/server protocol Developers can
use this package as a base for their Java HylaFAX client programs. Includes source code and a jar file.
Homepage and code available from
MacHylafax for Mac OS X by Webcogs.com
An easy to use HylaFAX client for Mac OS X which integrates neatly with the
Apple address book. Also supports faxing directly from applications via the
print dialog. See http://www.machylafax.com.
Khylafax by Jeremy Lublin
The new Unix client program working under the
K Desktop Environment. The homepage is
Current version is 0.3.1; but there is also a patch to add some more
functionality such as client/server protocol to remote fax servers.
susefax by Carsten Hoeger
is a java client to HylaFAX, and is part of the
SuSE Linux distribution. Available are
binary and
rpm packages, as well as a
support problems
winflex by Pete Bentley Updated by Laine Stump
is a 16-bit fax client for the Windows 3.11 platform, but note it uses the
old protocol. Version 0.3c is available at the old homepage at
Version 0.4Beta can be found in the main ftp site
Please note that the fax clients that are part of the standard Windows
OS are not compatible with HylaFAX.
macflex by Rob Newberry
is a fax client for the Apple Macintosh, to be found at
SDfax by Secure Design
is a new fax client for the Mac OS, which claims to be able to
send fax messages via email,
and HylaFAX, see
tkhylafax by Andy Moskoff
is a popular Unix/X11 tcl/tk interface to HylaFAX
Get it at

Respond / PrintFax by Horst F
Fax from Windows via a Samba share using a perl script called PrintFax. Respond is a
Windows program written in Delphi (source is available) used to find the phone
number from the user.
Originally meant to work with mgetty+sendfax, but PrintFax can now work with HylaFAX.
See www.boerde.de/~horstf/.
JHylaFax by Steffen Pingel
A platform independent Java client licensed under the GPL featuring a Swing user interface.
Homepage is http://jhylafax.sourceforge.net.
w2hfax by Harald Holzer
A new 32bit fax client for Windows 95/98 and NT 4.0 released under the GNU
GPL-Licence. The latest beta is 0.1.3, there is no stable version yet.
Homepage is w2hfax.sourceforge.net/.
smbfax by Craig Kelly
A perl package which allows Samba users to print to HylaFAX daemon without
the need for any Win32 client software (it uses a combination of the Windows print
system and email).
Homepage and code available from
GFax by George Farrishttp://www.cowlug.org/gfax/
GFax is a GNOME client that uses HylaFAX.
HylaFAXSender http://beta9.be/hylafax
HylaFAXSender is a Java client popular on Mac OS X.
AdiXein HFC http://www.adixein.com/fax/
adiXein HFC is a utility that works with printfax.pl (Horst
F: horstfATweltentor.boerde.de) in conjunction with
mgetty+sendfax or HylaFAX to provide printing from Windows via a
samba printer share. It is a drop-in replacement for RESPOND
(Horst F: horstfATweltentor.boerde.de) that integrates smoothly
with your Microsoft Outlook contacts.
- Web Based Fax Services:
HylaFAX module for Webmin by Roberto Tecchio 29 Apr 2005

A Webmin module to administer
HylaFAX from any any place on the net, with any OS and any browser.
Hermes fax by Open It S.r.l. 14 Jun 2002

Web-based and written entirely in Perl, is requires only
a javascript enabled browser and, of course, HylaFAX. See
Faxserver Lars by foobar GmbH 15 Apr 2002

A web based front end for sending and receiving faxes. Included
are services such as archiving, forwarding and other processing of
faxes. See
html2fax.tgz by Richard Morris 06 Jun 1996
Web based fax gateway (outbound), requiring Perl. It consists of the
example HTML page, index.html, and the cgi script necessary to run it,
fax-gw.tar.Z by Mark Cooper 9 Dec 1996
fax-gw is an HTML to HylaFAX gateway written in C, for outbound faxes.
A sample HTML form is included as are binaries for SunOS4 and SunOS5.
faxstat.pl by Phil Abercrombie 19 Sep 1997
Implements a web interface to querying a HylaFAX server, in a manner
similar to faxstat. Written in Perl.
webview.tar.gz by Uli Eckhardt October 1997
Webview displays faxes via the web and allows users to delete faxes
(all users which have access to the page). It requires a running web
server on the fax-host and the pnm/pmm conversion utilities.
hyla-ntfaxkit.tar.gz by Richard Kail 25 Apr 1998
How to use a Netscape browser to create a NT Workstation hylafax client.
web-hylafax-gw-1.0.tar.gz by Nic Tjirkalli 19 Dec 1998
This is a simple, quickly hacked together web (HTML) interface for
sending faxes and checking the status of an already configured and
running Hylafax server.
Html2Phax by Didier Legein
A webclient to HylaFAX for a PHP enabled Apache webserver. Last update 1-Dec-99 to
version 0.0.3. See
- Fax Viewer programs:
is a Windows graphics program capable of displaying the TIFF/F files.
Most software archives, such as
www.shareware.com should stock it.
Irfanview32 by Irfan Skiljan
is another Windows viewer, available in English and German versions.
See stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9227474.
Free for non-commercial use, this viewer is capable of handling multipage tiffs.
Latest version is 3.0 (398Kb zipped file).
tiffview by Terry Haddock
is another fax viewer for Windows. Can be used as a helper program for
Netscape. Homepage is at
It has been mentioned that it can handle 2-D encoded tiff G3 format images, but
fails with the aspect ratio on fine resolution faxes.
Tiffsurfer by Visionshape, Inc.
Multi-page tiff viewer plug-in for Netscape or Microsoft Explorer running
under Windows '95, '98 or NT. There are free and shareware versions from
AlternaTIFF by Medical Informatics Engineering.
Free tiff viewer plug-in for Netscape, Microsoft Explorer or Opera (v3.51 or higher)
running under Windows '95, '98 or NT. See
Imaging for Windows by Eastman Software
is a viewer bundled in with Windows '95 and NT. It is a free download from
It has been suggested to convert the fax image to G4 format first by
the tiff library's tiffcp utility to ensure reliable display.
viewfax by Frank Cringle
is a Unix/X11 fax (ie TIFF/F) viewer
faxview.tcl by Ralph Schleicher
is a graphical front end to viewfax and as been
the subject of an article in the Linux Gazette online magazine called
Linux Fax for Dummies.
Here is a screenshot
- Advice and other information of interest:
The TIFF Library website
Visit www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/
for development and stable versions of the tiff library, plus a useful
tools overview and detailed
TIFF File Format
Technical information on the formatting of TIFF files can be found at
The USR Hylafax Page by Robert Colquhoun.
for using US Robotics modems with HylaFAX.
Setting up a PPP Server with HylaFAX
by Nico Kadel Garcia.
How to provide a Login: for inward data calls; originally for
Sun OS
machines, and now available for
as well.
Rainer Krienke's Homepage
Author of the latex-cover package, xferlog and faxprint scripts.
Available in both English
and German.
Email to Fax Notes by Kenneth Tom.
and fax.html
are part of Ken's pages on
installing and setting up a FreeBSD 2.2.5-stable system.
Fax Class 2 Developer's Kit by Multitech Modems
A PDF format manual for Class 2 fax modems is available at
Linux Telephony Website
for phone and fax news concerning Linux. HylaFAX is mentioned in their
links page.
email2sms by Adam Spiers
Two Perl scripts to convert an email into a compact form suitable for sending as a
SMS message. Homepage at
html2ps by Jan Karrman
A webpage to postscript converter written in perl. Homepage is at
2fax by Hans Harder
An ASCII to TIFF-F converter which can use PCX overlays. Homepage is at
fax2pdf by Peter Stamfest
A TIFF to PDF converter. Homepage is at
GhostPCL by Artifex
A PCL/HP parser for Ghostscript. Downloads are at
vgetty by Klaus Weidner and Marc Eberhard
vgetty implements incoming voice call handling for certain
voice-capable modems, notably ZyXEL. More information at
It is loosely part of the mgetty+sendfax package by Gert Doering,
the homepage of which is at
There is info in Q360
of the FAQ. Integration with vgetty remains incomplete.
Please note that vgetty and egetty are not required by
HylaFAX in the standard mode of operation.
Last updated $Date: 2005/09/30 16:37:21 $.
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