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[hylafax-users] T38modem manuals?

I've seen some other T38modem questions answered here, so sorry if this is too far off topic...

I'm trying to figure out how to call T38modem with SIP. I've got everything except the --route option for receiving. I know my own phone number, but I am not sure how to set it up.

Currently, I have:

--route "modem:0.*"="sip:<dn>@" --route "modem:1.*=sip:18778469183@xxxxxxxxx"

I've also tried:
--route "modem:*.*"="sip:<dn>@" --route "sip:*@"="modem:<dn>@"

what amI doing wrong? And where (other than t38modem --help) can I find some documentation on how to use it?


Brian Postow
Senior Software Engineer
Acordex Imaging Systems

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