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Re: [hylafax-users] Multi-line question

On Oct 16, 2007, at 4:25 PM, Mark Lehrer wrote:

Hello there, I am trying to figure out ways for a few users to share one phone line.

Is it possible for Hylafax to detect the number that was dialed so
we can use one fax modem with several different numbers, and use
the numbers to route to different users?  I am guessing that this
may require some sort of Asterisk integration or something.

I have <T1> <asterisksk> <*> <T1> <channel bank> -- <modem> <hylafax> at <*> asterisks forwards the original DID to the channel bank -> modem,

then based on the DID the FaxDispatch script can route it to the right directions.

I use a multimodem zba that works great

script e.g.

case "$CALLID2" in

*<yourname>)        SENDTO=your@example;;
*<theirname>)         SENDTO=them@example;;



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--"Harmony is more important than being right"

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