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Re: [hylafax-users] Intranet integration

* Richard Morris <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [070523 12:12]:

> Thanks for the info.  I have been a little resistant switching from 
> HylaFAX to HylaFAX+ but I think the ability to properly integrate our 
> fax server into our intranet will be worth it.  I am surprised that the 
> main HylaFAX doesn't have any hooks for this type of integration.

Well, I think there are 2 main reasons why Lee's FaxAccounting "hook"
aren't in HylaFAX.

1) Everything it gives you is easily available in other forms in HylaFAX
   - TRIGGERS give you an easy way to get every event of a particular
     job, or any job, and act on it in any way you see fit.  The
     "faxwatch" that comes with HylaFAX is a simple program that uses
     triggers.  Use it as an example on how to program triggers
     directly, or use it as a pipe where you read job events from.
     TRIGGER  (and AuditHooks) give you hooks on *any* event, not
     just the few that FaxAccounting hooks are available in.
   - The "AuditHook" gives you configurable "execs" on any trigger event
     (jobs events, and non-job events, like modems, etc)
   - faxsend can easily be "wrapped" to give the ability to to almost
     unthinkable logging/etc of recording sessions in progress.
   - If all you want is a "log" of the xferfaxlog into a database, then
     postprocessing the log is a much safer thing to do (i.e. you can
     easily see what records were missed while the database/network was down),
     of if you *need* "real-time" updates (i.e. 1/min isn't quick
     enought), 10 lines of perl (a couple more of C/C++) will give you a
     program that makes xferfaxlog a FIFO that faxq writes to and you
     can do exactly what you want with it.

2) The xferfaxlog (which is what FaxAccouting abuses) is being abused to
   include a log of stuff which is *not* xferfaxlog recording.  And it
   *still* doesn't give you access to all the events that you would want
   if you're doing "real-time" database recording of the job events.


Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 825-8700 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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