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Hi List,
i use Debian3.1 with t38modem0.8.0 installed and Hylafax 4.2.1-5sarge3 and Cisco Voice Gateway 2800 Series.
does anyone have a working setup so far? in my situtation reciving works perfectly but sending faxes is making trouble.
i am having a huge problem setting up the hylafax server with t38modem (0.8.0) and cisco voice gateway 2800 with ios 12.3
the hylafax log shows that a busy signal is detected
the t38modem log shows
2007/01/30 06:16:04.815 H225 Caller:8094d88 H225 Handling PDU: Facility callRef=12011
2007/01/30 06:16:04.816 H225 Caller:8094d88 H225 Set protocol version to 4 and implying H.245 version 7
2007/01/30 06:16:04.816 H225 Caller:8094d88 H225 Simultaneous start of H.245 channel, connecting to remote.
2007/01/30 06:16:04.816 H225 Caller:8094d88 H323 H323Transport::Close
2007/01/30 06:16:04.817 H225 Caller:8094d88 H323 H323Transport::CleanUpOnTermination for H245:%0x
2007/01/30 06:16:04.819 H245:80a2c80 H245 Started thread
2007/01/30 06:16:04.819 H245:80a2c80 H245 TCP Accept wait
2007/01/30 06:16:04.819 H245:80a2c80 H225 Accept for H245 failed: Bad file descriptor
2007/01/30 06:16:04.828 H225 Caller:8094d88 H323TCP Connecting to (local port=0)
2007/01/30 06:16:04.832 H225 Caller:8094d88 H323TCP Could not connect to (local port=0) - Connection refused(111)
2007/01/30 06:16:04.833 H225 Caller:8094d88 H225 Connect of H245 failed: Connection refused
2007/01/30 06:16:04.833 H225 Caller:8094d88 H323 Clearing connection ip$localhost/12011 reason=EndedByTransportFail
2007/01/30 06:16:04.833 H225 Caller:8094d88 H323 Call end reason for ip$localhost/12011 set to EndedByTransportFail
2007/01/30 06:16:04.834 H225 Caller:8094d88 H225 Sending release complete PDU: callRef=12011
2007/01/30 06:16:04.835 H225 Caller:8094d88 H225 Sending PDU:
the t38modem is started with:
usr/sbin/t38modem -p ttyx0,ttyx1 --route 80177@xxxxxxxxx --route all@xxxxxxxxxxx -tttt -o /root/log.log --old-asn -T
the cisco dial peer is setup like:
dial-peer voice 8017702 voip
description voip dial-peer vom Faxserver
no modem passthrough
incoming called-number 99999T
dtmf-relay h245-signal
codec g711ulaw
fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback cisco
no vad
what did i miss? what did i wrong? please help. any hints and comments are welcome
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