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Re: [hylafax-users] No route to host with hylafax

Quoting Eric Gendron <ericg@cameleon.com>:

> Somebody can help?  I receive a message no route to host
> when I try to send a fax.
> personnal client machine:
> Debian-Linux on a lan with a Debian gateway (in nat mode).
> Faxserver:
> on a lan at my work place.
> Works great with clients on the lan.
> computer is on the lan
> Gateway with openbsd.  I put redirection on
> port 4559, 4557 and 444 from external ip to 
> local (non-routable) ip of the fax machine.

> -> PORT 192,168,203,10,128,197

HylaFAX uses a protocol based on the ftp protocol where files are 
transfered via a second (data) connection. Here, the client asks the 
server to connect to port 32965 which is not routable from 
the server.

You need to us either some kind of ftp module on port 4559 on the nat 
gateway or put a vpn between work and home so that private addresses can 
be routable between them. You could also send the file via another mean 
(ssh, smtp, ...) to the server and have sendfax be called from there. (I 
don't think sendfax supports passive connections at this time (hfaxd does) 
but since the server does not have a routable address, a passive 
connection wouldn't help here)

Patrice Fournier

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