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Re: [hylafax-users] sendfax with modified dest number

Quoting Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi@libertysurf.fr>:

> > Something like:
> > 
> > DisplayNumber := [
> > ^20$     = 1-800-555-4203
> > ^21$     = 1-900-555-1872
> > ^3[0-9]$ = 1-888-555-8721
> > ]
> Thanks Patrice for your answer!
> I'll try that asap, but as I look at your example, I see that it is a
> static conversion. What I want to do is to map the called number to a
> DisplayNumber that I will only know when the user calls sendfax...
> (ideally I'd like to call "sendfax -d 20 --DisplayNumber
> 1-800-555-4200" is that possible?)

Then try something like:

DisplayNumber := [
^.*%      = 

And in your server side dialrules files:

DialString := [
%.*$      =
<followed by what you used to have there>

And call sendfax as

sendfax -d 20%1-800-555-9821 /file/to/send

Please note that current CVS version and 4.1.3 will have the server 
reverse the DisplayNumber set by the client to the DisplayNumber set in 
the server side (but sometimes with a certain delay) so you may want to 
set DisplayNumber in both dialrules files...

Patrice Fournier

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