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Re: [hylafax-users] sendfax with modified dest number

Quoting Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi@libertysurf.fr>:

> Question: is it possible to call sendfax alex@20 and still tell the
> coverpage program to not use "20" as the dest called number, but
> another number?

You would have to put some DisplayNumber rules into your local client 
dialrules files (man sendfax and look at the end to know where to put that 
file (you must create it), defaults for a locally compiled HylaFAX is 
to read from /usr/local/lib/fax/dialrules).

Something like:

DisplayNumber := [
^20$     = 1-800-555-4203
^21$     = 1-900-555-1872
^3[0-9]$ = 1-888-555-8721

Patrice Fournier

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