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[hylafax-users] UPDATE: Some TIFF's have bad pages

At 11:12 PM 4/21/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>On 2002.04.21 22:30 Dustin Puryear wrote:
>>Very rarely (I would say less than 1%) we have a TIFF delivered by 
>>Hylafax that isn't quite right. Even though this rarely happens, one time 
>>is one time too many, as this is a business environment that lives by 
>>faxes (and a high volume of them at that), so a lost fax is BAD.
>Known problem.
>See: http://bugs.hylafax.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=195
>Essentially you can filter the faxes through something like ImageMagick's 
>'convert' or libtiff's 'tiffcp'.

I tried the following:

$ tiffcp -c -c g3:1d old.tiff new.tiff
bad_invalid_compression_type.tiff: 0: Invalid strip byte count, strip 0.

on the tiff file that was reporting 'invalid compression type' in the Kodac 
viewer. Now, on the second page, where I was getting the 'invalid 
compression type' report, I am now getting 'The document's format is 
invalid or not support.' So, it doesn't appear that tiffcp is fixing the 

Now, the other faxes that aren't reporting errors, but seem to be messed up 
visually, report:

bad.tiff: Warning, Bogus "StripByteCounts" field, ignoring and calculating 
from imagelength

In bad.tiff, there is a 1 page tiff image that is cut off half way through 
(there is only half of the image you would expect).

On another note, I am trying to view these faxes in both the Kodac viewer 
and Paint Shop Pro. Paint Shop Pro won't open any of my tiffs. Is there 
another viewer out there good for testing tiffs?

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear <dpuryear@usa.net>
UNIX and Network Consultant
PGP Key available at http://www.us.pgp.net
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This has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

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