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(no subject)

I just finished intalling hylafax 4.1 on my Debian Potato, it was smooth 
and quick. However, when using 'faxsetup' there were two warnings to let 
me know that 'faxsetup' did not find neither '/bin/vgetty' nor 
'/usr/lib/ghostsript/common'. I checked and this files, indeed, do not 
exist. It is because of the lack of one of these files that "ASCII TEXT" 
files are not interpreted correctly by hylafax, thus sending chicken 
scratch to the receiver fax machine.

My question is, where do I get this programs/files?

Thanks in advance.
My Computer's Opinion
if( desire == play_games() ){return getNintendo64();}
if( (desire == computing() ) (user != smart) ) {return getMicrosoft();}
if( ( desire == computing() )(user == smart) ){return getLinux();}

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