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Re: [hylafax-users] WHFC & Cover Pages: "Houston, I have a problem"

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 09:10:45AM +0200, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
> whfc does not work with the newer Coverpages. Somewhere in HylaFAX
> 4.1-beta was a change in the coverpage format. So grab an older 
> coverpage from one of the first 4.1 betas or 4.0 release versions.

But note that if you change postscript template files to the old
version, you have to change back to the old faxcover binary, as well;
there's a change in the assumptions that the binary makes which needs
to be synchronized with the source file; details are somewhere in the
archives (and it's way too early in the damn morning :-).

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     Baylink                             RFC 2100
The Suncoast Freenet         The Things I Think
Tampa Bay, Florida        http://baylink.pitas.com             +1 727 804 5015

   "Usenet: it's enough to make you loose your mind."
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