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Re: [hylafax-users] Hylafax Error

Quoting Odhiambo Washington <wash@wananchi.com>:

> wash:~$ uname -nsr
> FreeBSD everest.wananchi.com 4.3-STABLE
> wash:~$ faxstat -s
> Login failed: 550 Cannot set privileges.
> wash:~$
> I am sure I am missing something slight???

From http://www.hylafax.org/troubleshooting.php ::

"Note that hfaxd uses the chroot system call to confine clients to the HylaFAX 
spooling area on the server machine. On most systems only the super-user is 
permitted to do a chroot call so if hfaxd is not started by the super-user or 
the executable program is not setup to be setuid-root then it will not function 
properly. If this happens clients will usually be denied access with a message 
of the form ``Cannot set privileges.''."

So... first of all, is hfaxd running as root?  If not, then that's a problem - 
because if you applied the recent hfaxd-vulnerability.patch, or if you are 
using current CVS, then you'll have to 'chmod a+s hfaxd' in order to get it 
functioning again.  I think that the preference is for you to run hfaxd as root.


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