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Re: Sending received faxes via email.


On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Jamie Carl wrote:

> I've been using hylaxfax for almost a whole month now and i love it.
> But the only thing that i didn't like was how i had to go about viewing
> received faxes.  Then i learnt about the bin/faxrcvd file and i came up
> with nice little command line, that when inserted into the right place
> will attach the fax that was just received to the notification email that
> gets sent to 'faxmaster'.
> 	uuencode $FILE 'fax'$COMMID'.tif'
> This was done on SCO Openserver 5.0.4 using the uuencode command line
> tool.  I don't see why it wouldn't work with other operating systems
> that have a uuencode program.  Wot this does it uuencodes the file to

Right: this is how we used to do things before MIME showed up.  There
are a plethora of freeware tools to do precisely this in that more
common format, although I think MIME enabled tools and browsers are
quite capable of handling plain uuencode.

There are also a plethora of little HTML/CGI tools for viewing it on
the web via a graphical browser: I use the faxstat.pl to provide
authenticated access via an SSL-enabled web server to my users
offsite. A good trick, really!

> It's simple, but it works.  The mail client i use to pick up the email
> is Outlook 98.  This may have an effect on the compatibility of the
> produced email.

And that is great! If you need to share your fax spool, you might
eventually want to enable it to others without cluttering their
mailboxes by installing a web browser setup for it....

> I hope you can make sense of this as i'm not exactly a good writer of FAQs.
> I searched the FAQ and couldn't find anything like this in there so i
> thought
> i'd send it along so others can learn how to do it.

Cool: there is also a Win95/WinNT fax tool called "WHFC", on the HylaFAX
web site, that you can use to send/recieve/view faxes directly from the
server (it can be set to view them with wangimg.exe, included on most
Win-whatever systems).

			Nico Kadel-Garcia
			Senior Engineer, CIRL 
			Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary

Version: 2.6.2


Project hosted by iFAX Solutions