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Re: Which modem works best with HylaFAX?

darren@info.tpc.int wrote:
> In message <99031906502804.01047@laneslinux.localdomain>, Lane Lester writes:
> >
> >I was disappointed to read the message about the lack of author support
> >for hylafax.  Linux needs more, not fewer, user apps, so I hope a
> >solution can be found.
> I authored the current RPM, and I'm insulted to hear I don't support it ;-) 
> Funny, I wonder what I'm doing with all that e-mail I send?

I certainly didn't mean to cast aspersions on those who compile RPMs. 
If it weren't for RPMs, I would have given up on Linux some time ago,
because I've had rotten success at compiling stuff.  However, when I
refer to a program's author, I'm talking about the guy who wrote the C
code or whatever.

The hylafax (or should I say HylaFAX?) RPM worked great; it's just all
the stuff after that which I'm finding very daunting.  Regretfully, I
don't have hours to devote to poring over the docs, trying this and
that, asking questions on this very good list, trying something else,

Before you flame me for my lack of dedication, I assure you that
I understand that the software is free and I should be prepared to
devote an unlimited amount of time to get it to run.   It's just that
I'm a Linux newbie, and I haven't yet made the necessary mental


Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Coming to you from Red Hat Linux 5.2

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