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Good day.

I'm starting to become a FlexFaxer -- I've installed one server, and I
suspect I may do quite a few more shortly; the general contractor I
work for likes it...) -- and one of the things I've noted is that some
of the "What modem should I use" documentation is a bit dated.

In an attempt to fix that, I'd like to conduct a survey to see what
modems people are using.  I'll summarize the results, do some informal
ranking, and contribite the results to the archive at hylafax.org.

If you have 5 minutes to spare, and you have a running HylaFax
installation, I (and I'm sure many other people) would appreciate it if
you could fill out the following questionnaire, and mail it back to
me.  Please make sure you _don't_ send it (or carbon it) it to the
list; and if you want any comments to be anonymous, please let me
know.  If you have multiple modems (or brands of modems) please fill
out one copy for each modem.  I'd do this with a web page, but I don't
have a place to put it just now.

Modem manufacturer:
Modem model (include as many characters as you can find):
Firmware release/date/other ID:
Port speed:
(A=Works perfectly, B=Occasionally squinky, C=PITA, D=Major PITA,
F=won't work [ie: winmodems])

(and also attach your etc/config.ttyXX file for (at least one of) this
model of modem.  Feel free to XX out things you don't want public; I'm
only interested in configuration stuff.)

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     Buy copies of The New Hackers Dictionary.
The Suncoast Freenet            Give them to all your friends.
Tampa Bay, Florida     http://www.ccil.org/jargon/             +1 813 790 7592

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