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Sending Postscript Fax via email


When I mail a document which is already in postscript form, it comes out as postscript!

This works great:
$sendfax -n -d 9999999 wptest.ps 

This comes out as a bunch of postscript lines
$sendmail < wptest.ps WPTEST@9999999.fax

Here i the relevent info from /etc/sendmail.cf

###   FAX Mailer specification   ###

#####  @(#)fax.m4	8.6 (Berkeley) 7/6/97  #####

Mfax,		P=/usr/local/bin/faxmail, F=DFMhu, S=14, R=24, M=100000, T=X-Phone/X-FAX/X-Unix,
		A=faxmail -d $u@$h $f

########### End ########################3

Any ideas on how I can send a postscript fax via email ?


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