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compilation problems on solaris2.6

The scenario:  HylaFAX 4.0 pl2
               Ultra Enterprise 450 running Solaris 2.6
               gcc 2.8.0.
After using configure to get things set up. I attempted to make, and got the
following errors:
/opt/gnu/bin/gcc      -I.././zlib  -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././util  
-I.././util -I/opt/tiffv3.4/include -I.././regex -g -O -x c++ -c ModemExt.c++
/opt/gnu/bin/gcc      -I.././zlib  -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././util  
-I.././util -I/opt/tiffv3.4/include -I.././regex -g -O -x c++ -c SendFaxJob.c++
SendFaxJob.c++: In method `unsigned char SendFaxJob::createJob(class 
SendFaxClient &, class fxStr &)':
SendFaxJob.c++:499: no matching function for call to `SendFaxClient::sendZData 
(int &, unsigned char (FaxClient::)(fxStr &, fxStr &), fxStr &, fxStr &)'
FaxClient.h:273: candidates are: FaxClient::sendZData(int, unsigned char 
(FaxClient::*)(fxStr &, fxStr &), fxStr &, fxStr &)
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `SendFaxJob.o'
Current working directory /src/hylafax-v4.0pl2/util

Note that things were compiling fine until this point...

Any ideas would be appreciated....
oh, btw, i configured w/
% ./configure --with-TIFFINC=/opt/tiffv3.4/include 
--with-LIBTIFF="-L/opt/tiffv3.4/lib -ltiff -static"

marc poulin

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