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Re: Problems with german umlaute

I am in Sweden, and have little problem with  in my faxes,
not even in Subject.  I have a special-hacked Pine binary that
has a configuration option to allow 8bit characters in Subject.

I use several versions of ~/.pinerc, one of which for faxing,
where abovementioned configuration option allows 8bit in Subject.

My sendmail-8.8.8 setup is configured to convert QP to 8bit
(as is the ~/.procmailrc, only it doesn't have to as sendmail
already has done it).

All my ~/.pinerc's are configured to use ESMTP negotiation with
sendmail on the SMTP port, so Pine and sendmail both agree on 8bit
MIME, which HylaFax likes.

And it was I who wrote the unsigned - patches to HylaFax already
mentioned.  If you don't want to install a new version of HylaFax
you may fetch just the patch from my web-site and apply just that
to your source, make clean and make, make install (or whatever the
procedure was):


As for normal emailing, I do not use 8bit in Subject, it being
illegal and all.  Today I use RFC-1522 MIME in Headers.  Past
experience from a couple of years of actually using 8bit in
Subject on the Internet says though that nothing worse is going
to happen than the  being mapped to different characters.

Hope this helps!
Leif Erlingsson, DATA LEGE, Glavagatan 33, 123 71  Farsta, Sweden.
TEL +46 8 604-0995, FAX +46 8 605-2551,  URL http://www.lege.com.
I remember the past.  I am not doomed to buy Microsoft products.

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