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patch for UCP support

There is a small bug in pageSendApp.c++ which costs extra time
and money because pagesend(1M) is waiting for a '\r' as a
terminator for a PDU in UCP also (but UCP has ETX as its
PDU terminator). If you use UCP you should apply this patch,
if you don't use UCP just ignore it.

[This message is also placed as .../source/README.ucpPatch on
the ftp-servers.]


*** pageSendApp.c++.orig	Sat Feb 14 11:49:44 1998
--- pageSendApp.c++	Wed Feb 18 22:02:41 1998
*** 414,419 ****
--- 414,423 ----
      if (secs) startTimeout(secs*1000);
      for (;;) {
  	int c = getModemChar(0);
+ 	if (c == ETX) {
+ 	    buf.put(c);
+ 	    break;				// ETX ends UCP response
+ 	}
  	if (c == EOF)
  	if (c == '\r') {

firm: matthias.apitz@sisis.de [voc:+49-89-61308-351, fax: +49-89-61308-188]
priv: guru@thias.muc.de
 PGP: Key fingerprint = 0C 01 F2 23 EC 17 A2 D5  46 2D 29 4C 0E 8B 7E 8F
 URL: http://www.sisis.de/~guru/         http://www.muc.de/~thias/

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