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CLARIFICATION: Help with timing issues

I have now received a few messages in response to my first note 
(posted below). I assumed that since this mailing group was supposed 
to be related to flexfax / hylafax, that it would be assumed that 
that was what I was writing about. Sorry for the confusion.

However, I am asking about the timing of re-queued messages in 
HYLAFAX. For example, an alphapage request is queued and for some 
reason fails on the first attempt. It is re-scheduled for 15 minutes 
later. I would like to set this to a shorter time, say 1 minute 
later.  Any help???

Original message follows:

 Hello all,

I have been looking through all of the documentation - but I can't
seem to find an answer to this question - so I submit it to the group
for comments.

I have noticed that when an outbound message fails, it is re-queued
for later deliver, usually for fifteen minutes later. I am interested
in finding a way to reduce this time so that it might only be one or
two minutes. I have attempted setting different priorities on the job
ID but this has had no effect.

Any help would be appreciated.



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