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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-2.0

>>>>> On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, "Lee" == Lee Howard wrote:

  Lee> Actually, I don't care to have write access, so if it's better that I
  Lee> simply post patches and updates here, I will.  Will somebody else apply
  Lee> the changes (if approved) to the CVS then, though?

Yup - absolutely, I and a few others can do commits which have been agreed (by concensus or by lack of objections) in this forum.

I took a long weekend, and have been in meetings, so I'm playing catch-up. I
should be caught up after a few evenings (my day job's keeping me pretty bizzy)
and then I can get to some of the commits (if Tim or Robert have not beaten
me to them) and resolving some bugzilla bugs and reorganizing the FTP site (I
finally cut a CD of the old site for posterity, so can begin the revamp).


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