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[hylafax-devel] Re: [hylafax-users] Re: config/usr-2.0

Lee Howard <faxguy@deanox.com> writes:

> >I don't see any difference with the stock config (99% of your Modem* and
> >Class* parameters are redundant and so should be wiped out).
> Yes, they should be.  I've left them there for possible future
> alterations.

No way! Most of them should *never* be changed. By the way, some parameters 
may be autodected, e.g. ModemType.

>  When diagnosing a problem it's difficult to know what the possible
> problems are if all of the settings are not listed in one place. That's
> why I left everything there.  True that the non-default settings are the
> only ones needed.

Again, doing so you encourage user to change some setting, that cannot be
changed. Once he/she will change them, and get completely broken system.

> >Alas, no config file can make all USR modems reliably work in Class
> >2.0. What's why almost all commercial fax software switches them to Class1
> >mode.
> I can't change USR,

BTW, why? Your time is cheaper than the good reliable modem? How much time
have you spent fighting USR? Just multiply this value by your hour rate ...

> but I'm just trying to help in what I can. If I could
> get my hands on one of these unreliable modems I'd like to see the problem
> first-hand.  I've noticed that commercial software doesn't always make an
> effort to go beyond the necessary, so it's no surprise that they simply
> disable Class 2.0 altogether.

IMHO wise choice. It's better to use Class1 which is very simple and
error-free for most modems, than try to work around all those buggy
Class2.* firmwares. Also note, that some fax protocol features can be only
implemented using Class1: error-correction mode (ECM), binary file transfer
(BFT), gray-scale mode and many others. The only problem is that you need
*good* Class1 software.

Hope to hear from you soon,

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