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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-2.0
AFAIK, there has never been a problem with USR Courier modems.
( HST might be different though... )
All the badness spoke about USR is actually the Sportster modems, they
are pure evil...
I've been using a USR Courier for 5 years sending 50 faxes a day or so
( at a client's ) and it works flawlessly! Hasn't been a single failed
fax ( though it's sending them all to the same fax machine ) in approx
5300 faxes!
> On Wednesday, August 23, 2000, at 3:06:05 AM, Lee Howard wrote:
> > In fact, I'm having less trouble with my USRs than I'm having with my
> > Rockwell Class2s. I get a fair amount of bad scan lines (1%-2% corrupted
> > lines per page on many long distance faxes - no problem on local faxes)
> > which occurs under all fax software that I've tried with the Rockwell
> > Class2s. I don't get any bad scan lines with the USRs for some reason.
> > Admittedly, I haven't put the USRs through as much testing as the
> > Rockwells, but that will change soon as I expect to change the modem in my
> > primary fax server from a Rockwell Class 2 to one of these USRs.
> This is unbeliveably comforting to hear, actually, Lee. I've always
> loved the Couriers to *death*; it frustrated me no end that no one
> ever seemed to be able to get them to run reliably in fax mode. Are
> you running the Couriers in Class 2?
> > (I work at a computer service center, so I have lots of modems pass through
> > my hands. This is why I wanted to develop some generic config file
> > templates... so that I can borrow all these modems that I work with for a
> > few minutes as I test them with at least one incoming fax. I'd like to
> > help grow the number of config files in the HylaFAX source. My end-result
> > is often redundant to the default HylaFAX config settings, as Dmitry
> > pointed out in my usr-2.0 file, but I'd rather have those lines there to
> > keep me aware of what are possibile changes if I run into trouble sometime
> > with them. If they need to be grepped out sometime later, that should be
> > easy. I have no Courier at the moment. I do see a lot of darn winmodems,
> > though.)
> I'll bet. :-) One other useful thing you might do as you see these
> modems is figure out how to tickle them for firmware release (and
> maybe check the chipset?) and make a list...
> > I'd be happy to work on a config file for this modem if you'd like to send
> > it to me. The address is 1638 North 200 West, Logan, UT 84341. I'm
> > assuming that you're in the US. (Don't bother if not.) I'll only have it
> > for a few days as I test it, and then I'll send it back with love and a
> > config file. I'm interested in these USR modems because there are a lot of
> > them around here, and as I continue to set up HylaFAX servers people want
> > to use them... and my experience with them has been quite positive... after
> > Darren helped me work out my first config file a few months ago. :)
> You betcha. I'll hit UPS tonight. Warning: most fax capable Couriers
> I have seen had an ARQ/FAX light; this one's only says ARQ.
> Cheers,
> -- jra
Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Genie Computer Systems Inc.
"A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is
no longer indispensable."
- Admiral Richard E. Byrd ( 1888-1957 )
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