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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-2.0

>Indeed.  Lee, I have a Courier HST/V32bis sitting behind me on the
>shelf.  Copyright date is 1990; it's not hooked up, so I can't ask it
>questions right now.  Is that fax-capable?  I'd be happy to loan it to
>you for tests, if it would help.  Are *you* not having trouble with
>USRs?  I can probaby dig up a Sporty external, too...

Jay, I'm sure that this Courier is fax-capable.  I'm not having any trouble
with my USR modems in HylaFAX any more than I'm having trouble with others.
 I'm using a Sportster and a new 3Com USR PCI modem (which uses Sportster
AT commands, it seems).

In fact, I'm having less trouble with my USRs than I'm having with my
Rockwell Class2s.  I get a fair amount of bad scan lines (1%-2% corrupted
lines per page on many long distance faxes - no problem on local faxes)
which occurs under all fax software that I've tried with the Rockwell
Class2s.  I don't get any bad scan lines with the USRs for some reason.
Admittedly, I haven't put the USRs through as much testing as the
Rockwells, but that will change soon as I expect to change the modem in my
primary fax server from a Rockwell Class 2 to one of these USRs.

(I work at a computer service center, so I have lots of modems pass through
my hands.  This is why I wanted to develop some generic config file
templates... so that I can borrow all these modems that I work with for a
few minutes as I test them with at least one incoming fax.  I'd like to
help grow the number of config files in the HylaFAX source.  My end-result
is often redundant to the default HylaFAX config settings, as Dmitry
pointed out in my usr-2.0 file, but I'd rather have those lines there to
keep me aware of what are possibile changes if I run into trouble sometime
with them.  If they need to be grepped out sometime later, that should be
easy.  I have no Courier at the moment.  I do see a lot of darn winmodems,

I'd be happy to work on a config file for this modem if you'd like to send
it to me.  The address is 1638 North 200 West, Logan, UT 84341.  I'm
assuming that you're in the US.  (Don't bother if not.)  I'll only have it
for a few days as I test it, and then I'll send it back with love and a
config file.  I'm interested in these USR modems because there are a lot of
them around here, and as I continue to set up HylaFAX servers people want
to use them... and my experience with them has been quite positive... after
Darren helped me work out my first config file a few months ago.  :)


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