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[hylafax-devel] Pep talk
Okay folks,
If we're going to remain credible (and this software truly warrants
credibility) then we need to get a release out the door. The current state of
the nation is now officially embarrassing. Yes, the CVS code is "quite good".
But we can't yet recommend people use it, except for those running Linux . . .
which means we've got HUNDREDS of people downloading 4.0pl2 and striking out
ALL THE TIME. Believe me, I hear from many of them :-( Flat on their faces,
with not a hope in hell of building that puppy.
Please can we identify the stumbling blocks, and then set to work on resolving
them?? Until we can point people to the new release it's just our little
Should I ask the -users readership to hammer on the current CVS and report
their findings? How can we attract more developers into the community?
Any and all suggestions welcome.
Robert? Tim? Are you guys in any way able to drive the process forward
code-wise? Phil? How about updates to the WWW site to encourage people to try
the beta, or even better the CVS (or cut a new beta). Perhaps I should
rearrange the FTP site to make the 4.1 release more obvious?
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