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[hylafax-devel] Re: Pep talk

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Darren Nickerson wrote:

> Should I ask the -users readership to hammer on the current CVS and report 
> their findings? How can we attract more developers into the community?

i get the impression from the way the dev people talk about it (whether or
not this assumption is correct i don't know) that the code base is rather
crufty and very hard to make changes to. i don't know much (ok, ok,
anything 8^) ) about C++ but i also get the impression that it was written
when some of the language features had not yet been standardised and as
such, there are many kludges and hacks. (no offense intended to original
coders in any way).

maybe a way to attract more developers would be to make a final release
(4.1?) and then re-design and re-write from the ground up?

- avi

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