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[hylafax-devel] Re: (No subject)In-reply-To: <20000722195428.408EA5FCC1@hewes.dazza.org>

On Saturday, Jul 22, 2000, at 3:54:28 PM, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
> Welcome back! ;-)

Thanks.  I'm not sure how I fell off in the first place, to tell you
the truth.  I'm busy setting up a server for a new client (and, this
weekend, for our new office), and hit the libtiff bug -- thank ghod
for mailing lists...

One suggestion I'd make to source grovelers: could we, maybe, modify
textfmt so it *says where it's looking* for font metrics it can't
find?  That seems to be a *major* bug.

And, is anyone writing a book?  I'm considering proposing O'Reilly; it
certainly seems like a good bet...

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     
The Suncoast Freenet
Tampa Bay, Florida     http://baylink.pitas.com                +1 727 804 5015

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