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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts

>>>>> On 27 Jun 2000, "Dmitry" == Dmitry Bely wrote:

  Dmitry> No way! I just explained that

  Dmitry> ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FCLASS=0	# leave modem idling in class 0
  Dmitry> ModemAnswerCmd:	AT+FCLASS=1A	# answer in Class 1

  Dmitry> is only the replacement for the the ordinary ATA command. Should I
  Dmitry> test all fax modems in the world to prove *you* that ATA in fax mode
  Dmitry> really works ?! (and so commands above are absolutely useless).

Um, you didn't, actually. You said:

dbely@mail.ru said:
> Thinking so we cannot fix *any* bug (not only in config templates, but
> also in the sources itself), because bugfix cannot be tested on any
> modem (and also any computer/OS combination) in the world :-)
> Other issue: should we test if ATA really works in any modem? :-) 

Perhaps it was obvious to you what you meant, but it was far from clear to me.

Your initial questions, on which I was focusing my attention, were:

dbely@mail.ru said:
> Why "to idle in Class 0"??? 

dbely@mail.ru said:
> Anyway does anybody understand an idea behind the quoted part? 

to which there appear to have been some answers, such as:

steve@genie96.com said:
> I know for sure the MultiTech ZDX 56K modems with the Rockwell chipset
> need to be "idling in class 0" to do adaptive answer.

> From the config file: ModemSetupAACmd:        AT+FCLASS=0;+FAA=1 #
> enable in class 0

> If I don't have the +FCLASS=0 in there, the modem answers in fax mode
> all the time.

which admittedly you say you don't believe, but which have not yet been proven wrong. And yet you still consider these lines useless?

Anyway, since I've been told that I am CLEARLY missing the point here I'm going
to bow out of the conversation. I haven't seen a clear coherent case made here
for any changes at all, unless I've missed that too ;-)


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