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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts

Darren Nickerson <darren@dazza.org> writes:

>   Dmitry> No way! I just explained that
>   Dmitry> ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FCLASS=0	# leave modem idling in class 0
>   Dmitry> ModemAnswerCmd:	AT+FCLASS=1A	# answer in Class 1
>   Dmitry> is only the replacement for the the ordinary ATA command. Should I
>   Dmitry> test all fax modems in the world to prove *you* that ATA in fax mode
>   Dmitry> really works ?! (and so commands above are absolutely useless).
> Um, you didn't, actually. You said:


> > Why "to idle in Class 0"??? 
> dbely@mail.ru said:
> > Anyway does anybody understand an idea behind the quoted part? 
> to which there appear to have been some answers, such as:
> steve@genie96.com said:
> > I know for sure the MultiTech ZDX 56K modems with the Rockwell chipset
> > need to be "idling in class 0" to do adaptive answer.
> > From the config file: ModemSetupAACmd:        AT+FCLASS=0;+FAA=1 #
> > enable in class 0

This was an answer to the different question :-) Adaptive Answer discussion 
started later.

> > If I don't have the +FCLASS=0 in there, the modem answers in fax mode
> > all the time.
> which admittedly you say you don't believe, but which have not yet been
> proven wrong.

Yes, I was wrong. Some Rockwells really need AT+FCLASS=0;+FAA=1 to perform
adaptive answer.

> And yet you still consider these lines useless?

Yes, because these lines has *nothing* *to* *do* *with* *adaptive*
*answer*, despite the fact that they involve ModemSetupAACmd. Modem will
*always* answer as fax Class1 (no adaptive answer ever!), becase they use
AT+FCLASS=1A as answer command, and Adaptive Answer is not enabled.

Hope to hear from you soon,

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