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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts

Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@bellatlantic.net> writes:

> Unfortunately, many chipsets do not implement the standard correctly. The
> Rockwell chipset in the old 14.4 Zoom modems is an example.

Yes, I have already read the very detailed explanation from Harrald

> > > I don't know if that is the case for the USR modems, as they are such
> > > crap I have never bought one!
> > 
> > They *work* *good* in Class1. 
> If you don't get the ones with the undisclosed flow control bug (33.6
> internals, which were for some reason always on sale really cheap after
> the bug was discovered).

Could you tell me some details of this bug? (athough I meant Courier then
talked about USR modems :-) How and when it manifests itself? Is XON/XOFF
flow control also do not work? (BTW, quite enough for fax operation).

> > > BTW, I believe that adaptive answer should *not* be enabled in the
> > > supplied configs by default. Currently this is not true for many
> I agree completely with this. It's a serious potential security
> hole to add a dial-up line without the user's specific interaction.

Nobody else (except me) seems to agree with that :-)

Hope to hear from you soon,

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