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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts
Just to add some more "noise" to this conversation...
I have no problems with any change ( programming or otherwise )...
but there should be a PURPOSE for change..
Change just for the sake of change is really pointless...
I haven't followed the regular hylafax user list for a year or so,
but prior to that, I don't remember a single instance of these config
options being a support issue...
If someone could explain what the TANGIBLE benefit is for any of these
changes, that would be very beneficial.
In other words....if it's not broken, don't fix it....
and I know FOR A FACT I need that AA commands for my ZDX modem, and i
use Adaptive Answer on probably 200 or so installations...
> >>>>> On 24 Jun 2000, "Dmitry" == Dmitry Bely wrote:
> Dmitry> There are current hylafax docs (config(5f) an other). There
> Dmitry> is an "adaptive answer" paragrapth in "advanced config" section,
> Dmitry> explaining how to properly set it up. Current docs says that AA
> Dmitry> feature is not enabled by default (I already explained why this is
> Dmitry> the right decision). Why I cannot make Hylafax consistent with the
> Dmitry> current documentation?
> Explaining why something is the right decision does not make it true Dmitry.
> And I don't see that HylaFAX is inconsistent with the docs at all. At least
> not in the strictest sense. I do agree that we need a default position on this
> though, one which we should move to in all the config files.
> +> Some sort of Data/Fax, Fax-Only option that would determine the adaptive
> +> answer default and whether or not faxgetty could call /etc/getty.
> +> This might address Nico's security concern.
> Dmitry> No problem. Just implement it in faxaddmodem (also mgetty as an
> Dmitry> option, auto-PPP configuring etc.) I wish you good luck :-)
> It's not as ridiculous as you seem to be suggesting here. Are you always so closed-minded regarding other people's proposed solutions?
> -Darren
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Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Genie Computer Systems Inc.
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no longer indispensable."
- Admiral Richard E. Byrd ( 1888-1957 )
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