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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts
>>>>> On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, "Steve" == Steve Williams wrote:
Steve> Since there is no one way to enable a modem for Adaptive Answer, I
Steve> think AT THE MINIMUM, the proper commands should be in the file, but
Steve> commented out.
Agreed. We seem to be reaching consensus here.
Steve> I personally think that if a person is enabling the modem to answer
Steve> the phone, they are aware of what they are doing, and it would be
Steve> "nice" if the modem would do the most versatile thing possible, but
Steve> it's not really that big of a deal.
Again, I agree. Perhaps it would be appropriate to move the question of
whether to enable AA by default to the hylafax-users list? There may be more
"real-world" experience which might be valuable in making this determination?
Or perhaps we can settle it here. We seem to be moving towards a default of OFF, but with correct code to enable it being placed into each config file, as appropriate. Anyone object to this scheme?
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