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[hylafax-devel] Re: config/usr-xon & usr-rts
On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 11:21:43 -0600 (MDT), Steve Williams wrote:
Hello Steve!
>Some modems MUST be in class 0 in order to do adaptave answering.
I think - from experiences and knowledge - this is only partially right!
I agree, that some modems on the market BEHAVE different, but there is no sensefull reason, to
make configure scripts for ALL different modems.
There are only a few different working situations, we can tell:
1) Adaptiv autoanswer for class 2 (not standard, Rockwell convention):
Init (for idle state):
ATZ<cr> ... to put modem in a 'reset state', which implies class 0
Answer (for incoming fax or data call):
AT+FAA=1<cr> ... enable adaptive autoanswer
AT+FCR=1<cr> ... enable fax reception
ATA<cr> ... start answering sequence
Commands may be collected to one line (AT+FAA=1+FCR=1A).
2) Adaptive autoanswer for class 2.0:
Init (for idle state):
ATZ<cr> ... to put modem in a 'reset state', which implies class 0
Answer (for incoming fax or data call):
AT+FCLASS=2.0<cr> ... switch to class 2.0 to make modem accept class 2.0 commands
AT+FAA=1<cr> ... anable adaptive autoanswer
AT+FCR=1<cr> ... enable fax recption
AT+FNR=1,1,1,1<cr> ... enable all modem state responses
ATA<cr> ... start answering sequence
Commands may also be collected, except the leading 'AT+FCLASS=2.0', because some firmware
implementations will not react to any command after a 'class switch'.
3) Adaptive autoanswer for class 1:
This methode is neither standard nor common to different brand of modem. We have to KNOW, how the
single modem works (independend of brand and model). It is NOT senseful, to supply a configure
file for a specific modem type, because behaviour DOES NOT depend on modem name/type, it depends
on the actual firmware version in the single modem!
3a) old style Rockwell chipset modems which are able to do class 1 and class 2
Init: guess :-)
AT+FAE=1<cr> ... enable adaptive autoanswer for class 1
AT+FCR=1<cr> ... enable fax reception
ATA<cr> ... start answer sequence
3b) old style NON Rockwell chipset modems, which behave very similar to (3a)
Also not specific to brand and model/type, must be checked carefully!
Init: also guess :-)
>If they idle in class 1, then they will ONLY answer as a fax, never do
>the adaptive answer to determin if it's a data or a fax connection.
>I don't know if that is the case for the USR modems, as they are such
>crap I have never bought one!
>Just my $0.02....
>> Tim Rice <tim@trr.metro.net> writes:
>> > > I should be really stupid, but I fail to understand why the files,
>> > > mentioned in the subject, contain the following:
>> > >
>> > > #
>> > > # The remainder of this configuration is included so that the
>> > > # modem "idles" in Class 0 while not sending or receiving facsimile.
>> > > #
>> > > ModemSetupAACmd: AT+FCLASS=0 # leave modem idling in class 0
>> > > ModemAnswerCmd: AT+FCLASS=1A # answer in Class 1
>> > >
>> > > and
>> > >
>> > > #
>> > > # The remainder of this configuration is included so that the
>> > > # modem "idles" in Class 0 while not sending or receiving facsimile.
>> > > #
>> > > ModemSetupAACmd: AT+FCLASS=0&H1&I0&R2 # leave modem in class 0
>> > > ModemAnswerCmd: AT+FCLASS=1&H1&I0&R2A # force RTS/CTS after change
>> > >
>> > > Why "to idle in Class 0"???
>> > > I am going to remove this. Any objection?
>> >
>> > I think it's only acceptable to remove things from the config files
>> > if you have tested on ALL models the config file relates to.
>> >
>> > If that's not the case then assuming you your proposed change has been
>> > tested on "current models" it would probably be acceptable to comment out
>> > the entries and add a note saying they appear to not be needed anymore.
>> Thinking so we cannot fix *any* bug (not only in config templates, but also
>> in the sources itself), because bugfix cannot be tested on any modem (and
>> also any computer/OS combination) in the world :-)
>> Other issue: should we test if ATA really works in any modem? :-)
>> Third issue: 90% of those config templates are absolutely unnecessary,
>> believe me :-)
>> Anyway does anybody understand an idea behind the quoted part?
>> Hope to hear from you soon,
>> Dmitry
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> Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
> Genie Computer Systems Inc.
> steve@genie96.com
>"A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is
> no longer indispensable."
>- Admiral Richard E. Byrd ( 1888-1957 )
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Mit herzlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely
Dr. Harald Pollack
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