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[hylafax-devel] 4.1beta2 FreeBSD port

Hi guys,

I've just about got this finished up (just working on some little nits
in 'faxsetup' right now), but I've been running 4.1beta2 for nearly 24 
hours now (hardly an extensive test, but it seems to all work as
expected, both with a "real" fax and a 4.0pl2 server).

My primary concern at this time was to integrate the libtiff
interfaces (works against 3.5.5 BTW), address the security issues,
and to get hylafax re-established in the FreeBSD ports collection
(from whence it was in imminent danger of being dropped).

Then, (but as a less pressing goal), I'd like to see this stuff rolled back 
into HylaFAX (assuming it passes muster, of course) so that the above work 
doesn't need to be performed every time there's a new release or
simply bitrot away into uselessness..

I realise that this second goal will very likely require providing versions 
of the "safe" string functions in the 'port' directory, for those
(mostly older) OSs that don't provide them natively.

Also, there may be stuff that you simply don't /want/ in hylafax
itself, so that would rightly belong in the FreeBSD-specific port.

On the other side of the coin, some parts of the configure/install scripts
seem borken on BSD-ish systems, and I figure that you'll want that
stuff anyway.

There's a fair amount of this stuff (~= 929 lines of context diffs so
far). Do you want it:

i)	Posted to the list? If so, what format (e.g. 'shar', 'diff
	-c', 'diff -ru' etc.)
ii)	Dumped on a WWW site for retrieval?

ii)	Roughly categorised? (i.e. "fixes breakage", "security weenies
	grunt approvingly" etc?

Let me know.



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