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[hylafax-devel] Re: Another Class1 question
On 09 Jun 2000 14:36:34 +0400, Dmitry Bely wrote:
Hello Dmitry!
>> Try a timeout of 2 (TWO) seconds (or maybe less) and cancel AT+FRH=3 state by sending
AT\r ...
>> modem should response with OK else modem is in undefined state!
>Hmm, I assumed (basing on our previous talks) that CONNECT (== HDLC flags
>detection) timeout was specified by T.30 T4 timer (4.5 sec for manual
>units). Wrong?
:-) obviously, because we talked about RESPONSE-RECEIVED clause :-)
Here it's the COMMAND-RECEIVED situation, which is handled quite different. In consequence
to T.30 you should NEVER wait, but that's not as senseful as needed. I have found out, that
a value between 1 und 2 seconds (for waiting for CONNECT) is practicable, but this is the
ONLY remarkable limitation of class 1.
>> >still have no CONNECT after 4.5 seconds (T.30 T4 counter). Why?
>> have wait too long!
>> >Well, reset the modem, sending CAN character
>> Use AT\r command instead to force OK response!
>OK. Is it portable way to reset any Class1 modem?
I do not know, if it is 'portable', I only know, that it is working on ANY brand of modem
(it is quite similar like the ATZ philosophy :-)
>T.Class1 prefers sending single character:
>If the DTE sends any character to the DCE other than DC1 or DC3 while the
>DCE is in this mode, the DCE shall enter command state and send the OK
>result code to the DTE.
Yes, this 'should' also work, but I have use the "'" to emphasise, that there are some
firmewares in some modems (I like very much :-) which will not react to any single
character and in consequence will not react to CAN.
>> >Jun 08 17:17:41.57: [31768]: <-- data [1]
>> >Jun 08 17:17:41.58: [31768]: --> [2:OK]
>> >Jun 08 17:17:41.58: [31768]: DELAY 1500 ms
>> Omitt this delay, because you have lost more than enough time with the former timeout of
4.5 sec.
>OK, I'll fix that.
COMMAND-RECEIVE is much more sensitive to handle than RESPONSE-RECEIVED, because it is the
only point to resynchronize well. If you do anything wrong here, you have lost the whole
game ...
Black magic :-)
>> :-) TCF check is best done, if you can count continous zero run for at least 1 second
(of 1.5
>> seconds TCF). This is not a standard value, but it is from my experiences from testing a
lot of
>> fax machines, how small a TCF could be (less than 1.5 sec) in worst case. Some machines
need not
>> more than 0.5 sec zero run, other need 1 second, but I have not seen any machine, which
>> MORE than 1 sec zero run. this is only a hint.
>I'll change that according to your recommendations :-)
Yes, but kepp in mind, that there will be a lot of people, who will not realize, what you
are doing so far :-)
>> >... found RTC
>> Are you sure ? I hope so.
>Sure that 6 consecutive EOLs has been found there? Absolutely.
Well, than why you (or your code) will complain pixel count ? If you are quite sure it is
EOL, well than stay to your decision :-)
>> From this moment on, discard any received bit and wait for <DLE><ETX>
>> A_N_D "NO CARRIER" sequence in parallel. Mainly USR brand modems in class 1 loose
sometimes the
>> DLE+ETX and they only send 'NO CARRIER' (but this can cost a lot of time
>> for you).
>What should I do having found <DLE><ETX>? Immediately reset the modem
>sending "AT" and do not wait for "NO CARRIER"?
No, not reset, it is best, to wait for 'NO CARRIER'. You should treat RTC and/or DLE+ETX
only as additional facts for page end. All which will (and must) count is the NO CARRIER
response from modem.
>> >Jun 08 17:18:20.26: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1147, got 425, expected
>> >Jun 08 17:18:20.26: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1148, got 1867, expected
>> >Jun 08 17:18:20.49: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1149, got 1853, expected
>> >Jun 08 17:18:20.79: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Invalid EOL code word, row 1150, x 255
>> >Jun 08 17:18:20.79: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 2D pixel count, row 1150, got 255, expected
>> >Jun 08 17:18:20.79: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Invalid WhiteTable code word, row 1151, x 29
>> >Jun 08 17:18:20.79: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1151, got 29, expected
>> >Jun 08 17:18:21.00: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 2D pixel count, row 1152, got 1729, expected
>> >Jun 08 17:18:21.08: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1153, got 2993, expected
>> >Jun 08 17:18:21.63: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Adjusting for trailing noise (12 run)
All this above consumes CPU time, we should NOT waste!
>> I miss the explicit detection of DLE+ETX.
>Yes, it seems always to wait for modem responce ("NO CARRIER") even after
>RTC and DLE+ETX. Bug?
No, absolutly no bug, but the time RTC is received is a good sign for that point, where
sender starts its 75ms pause and changes to V.21 carrier. It is also a sign, that page will
be complete.
>> Watch the log time! You have found RTC at 17:18:20.19
>> and you mark 'NO CARRIER' at 17:18:21.63 (which is 1.5 seconds). Seems that you have
lost time
>> while trying to decode waste bits instead of reading modem response. Can not happen, if
>> is multithreaded :-)
>I don't see how multiple threads could help here.
Logging !!! The logfile is written, which will waste time and CPU ...
>are consecutive events, they cannot happen in the same time. And we cannot
>miss either due to buffering and flow control.
Sorry, I was complaining against the log itself. I use a log threat with the smallest
priority value available ...
>I'll check your theory by practice :-)
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