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[hylafax-devel] Re: 4.1beta2 FreeBSD port

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Andy Sparrow wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I've just about got this finished up (just working on some little nits
> in 'faxsetup' right now), but I've been running 4.1beta2 for nearly 24 
> hours now (hardly an extensive test, but it seems to all work as
> expected, both with a "real" fax and a 4.0pl2 server).
> My primary concern at this time was to integrate the libtiff
> interfaces (works against 3.5.5 BTW), address the security issues,
> and to get hylafax re-established in the FreeBSD ports collection
> (from whence it was in imminent danger of being dropped).
> Then, (but as a less pressing goal), I'd like to see this stuff rolled back 
> into HylaFAX (assuming it passes muster, of course) so that the above work 
> doesn't need to be performed every time there's a new release or
> simply bitrot away into uselessness..

Then you should probably be working with the CVS code base.

> I realise that this second goal will very likely require providing versions 
> of the "safe" string functions in the 'port' directory, for those
> (mostly older) OSs that don't provide them natively.
> Also, there may be stuff that you simply don't /want/ in hylafax
> itself, so that would rightly belong in the FreeBSD-specific port.
> On the other side of the coin, some parts of the configure/install scripts
> seem borken on BSD-ish systems, and I figure that you'll want that
> stuff anyway.
> There's a fair amount of this stuff (~= 929 lines of context diffs so
> far). Do you want it:
> i)	Posted to the list? If so, what format (e.g. 'shar', 'diff
> 	-c', 'diff -ru' etc.)

Posted to the list and roughly categorised.
I like diff -c.

> ii)	Dumped on a WWW site for retrieval?
> ii)	Roughly categorised? (i.e. "fixes breakage", "security weenies
> 	grunt approvingly" etc?

> Let me know.
> Cheers,
> AS
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Tim Rice				Multitalents	(707) 874-1130

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