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[hylafax-devel] Re: Another Class1 question

"Dr. Harald Pollack" <Harald.Pollack@datanews.at> writes:

Hello, Harald!

> >> Well, there is a small problem at receivers side,
> :-) "small problem" ? :-))) I think it is a HUGE problem, but I hope also, we can solve it.
> >> if it could not switch fast enough from data 
> >> carrier to signal carrier (V.17 or V.29 to V.21), but if first post page message is lost, sender 
> >> will repeat twice this message (in a window of 15 - 18 seconds), so there is a lot of spare time.
> It is not the 'fast switching' it is the meaningless timeout wait...

It was *your* words, not mine ("small problem" etc.) :-) So you are
argueing with yourself here :-)

> >I have a strange Class1 problem, which I cannot understand without your
> >comment. Help!!! :-)
> Ok, I will try (but mainly it is black magic and you must believe me :-)
> >Here is the log:
> >Jun 08 17:17:35.09: [31768]: <-- HDLC<23:FF C0 02 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 
> 04 04 04 04 04>
> >Jun 08 17:17:35.09: [31768]: <-- data [23]
> >Jun 08 17:17:35.10: [31768]: <-- data [2]
> >
> >send our CSI
> OK
> >Jun 08 17:17:36.61: [31768]: --> [7:CONNECT]
> >Jun 08 17:17:36.61: [31768]: <-- HDLC<10:FF C8 01 00 77 5F 01 79 03 C0>
> >Jun 08 17:17:36.61: [31768]: <-- data [10]
> >Jun 08 17:17:36.61: [31768]: <-- data [2]
> >Jun 08 17:17:37.07: [31768]: --> [2:OK]
> >
> >... DIS
> >
> >Jun 08 17:17:37.07: [31768]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
> >
> also OK
> >and wait for the response.
> Yes, but too long ...
> >Jun 08 17:17:41.57: [31768]: --> [0:]
> >Jun 08 17:17:41.57: [31768]: MODEM <Empty line>
> >Jun 08 17:17:41.57: [31768]: MODEM TIMEOUT: waiting for v.21 carrier
> Try a timeout of 2 (TWO) seconds (or maybe less) and cancel AT+FRH=3 state by sending AT\r ... 
> modem should response with OK else modem is in undefined state!

Hmm, I assumed (basing on our previous talks) that CONNECT (== HDLC flags
detection) timeout was specified by T.30 T4 timer (4.5 sec for manual
units). Wrong?

> >still have no CONNECT after 4.5 seconds (T.30 T4 counter). Why?
> have wait too long!
> >Well, reset the modem, sending CAN character
> Use AT\r command instead to force OK response!

OK. Is it portable way to reset any Class1 modem? T.Class1 prefers sending
single character:
If the DTE sends any character to the DCE other than DC1 or DC3 while the
DCE is in this mode, the DCE shall enter command state and send the OK
result code to the DTE.

> >Jun 08 17:17:41.57: [31768]: <-- data [1]
> >Jun 08 17:17:41.58: [31768]: --> [2:OK]
> >Jun 08 17:17:41.58: [31768]: DELAY 1500 ms
> Omitt this delay, because you have lost more than enough time with the former timeout of 4.5 sec.

OK, I'll fix that.

> >... and try again
> >Jun 08 17:17:45.30: [31768]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
> >Jun 08 17:17:45.54: [31768]: --> [7:CONNECT]
> Well 
> >Now we have succeeded! But why failed before?
> Obviously, command/response sequence was slightly out of sync (that's why it is repeated :-) In 
> class 1 you can see such situations, which will be hidden in class. Do not bother, that's realy 
> (sometimes) a normal behaviour, because the T.30 timing values have some 'bandwith', so two 
> different faxmachines would not sync always at first try. But as I said before, these is HIDDEN 
> in class 2, so it LOOKs like a fault, because you never have seen it before :-)
> >Jun 08 17:17:50.65: [31768]: RECV: TCF 2802 bytes, 3% non-zero, 2636 zero-run
> :-) TCF check is best done, if you can count continous zero run for at least 1 second (of 1.5 
> seconds TCF). This is not a standard value, but it is from my experiences from testing a lot of 
> fax machines, how small a TCF could be (less than 1.5 sec) in worst case. Some machines need not 
> more than 0.5 sec zero run, other need 1 second, but I have not seen any machine, which needs 
> MORE than 1 sec zero run. this is only a hint.

I'll change that according to your recommendations :-)

> >Jun 08 17:17:52.03: [31768]: MODEM input buffering enabled
> >Jun 08 17:17:52.03: [31768]: MODEM set XON/XOFF/FLUSH: input ignored, output generated
> >Jun 08 17:17:52.03: [31768]: <-- [11:AT+FRM=146\r]
> >Jun 08 17:17:52.92: [31768]: --> [7:CONNECT]
> OK, looks very good (and VERY FAST :-)
> >Jun 08 17:17:52.92: [31768]: RECV: begin page
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.17: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1142, got 0, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.19: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1143, got 0, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.19: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1144, got 0, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.19: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1145, got 0, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.19: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1146, got 0, expected 1728
> >
> >... found RTC
> Are you sure ? I hope so.

Sure that 6 consecutive EOLs has been found there? Absolutely.

> From this moment on, discard any received bit and wait for <DLE><ETX> 
> A_N_D "NO CARRIER" sequence in parallel. Mainly USR brand modems in class 1 loose sometimes the 
> DLE+ETX and they only send 'NO CARRIER' (but this can cost a lot of time
> for you).

What should I do having found <DLE><ETX>? Immediately reset the modem
sending "AT" and do not wait for "NO CARRIER"?

> >Jun 08 17:18:20.26: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1147, got 425, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.26: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1148, got 1867, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.49: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1149, got 1853, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.79: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Invalid EOL code word, row 1150, x 255
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.79: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 2D pixel count, row 1150, got 255, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.79: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Invalid WhiteTable code word, row 1151, x 29
> >Jun 08 17:18:20.79: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1151, got 29, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.00: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 2D pixel count, row 1152, got 1729, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.08: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1153, got 2993, expected 1728
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.63: [31768]: RECV/CQ: Adjusting for trailing noise (12 run)
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.63: [31768]: RECV: 1142 total lines, 0 bad lines, 0 consecutive bad lines
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.63: [31768]: RECV: end page
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.63: [31768]: --> [10:NO CARRIER]
> I miss the explicit detection of DLE+ETX.

Yes, it seems always to wait for modem responce ("NO CARRIER") even after
RTC and DLE+ETX. Bug?

> Watch the log time! You have found RTC at 17:18:20.19 
> and you mark 'NO CARRIER' at 17:18:21.63 (which is 1.5 seconds). Seems that you have lost time 
> while trying to decode waste bits instead of reading modem response. Can not happen, if program 
> is multithreaded :-)

I don't see how multiple threads could help here. DLE+ETX and "NO CARRIER"
are consecutive events, they cannot happen in the same time. And we cannot 
miss either due to buffering and flow control.

> >What is why I presume to disturb you. :-)) Remote has not immediately
> >dropped the carrier after RTC!!!
> Yes, you MUST NOT assume, that sender will do so! But sender starts its own 75ms wait time after 
> RTC. So in fact these 75 ms are the time, phase C carrier decreases slowly.
> >Or our DCE has not detected its loss and eaten 
> >PPM as Phase C data? Or what???
> I assume, that fax software itself has eaten the time while trying to decode sensles bits after 
> RTC. Keep in mind, you have choosen 14400 bps, so there is space for a lot of waste bits between 
> RTC and V.21 carrier.
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.63: [31768]: MODEM set XON/XOFF/DRAIN: input ignored, output disabled
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.63: [31768]: MODEM input buffering disabled
> >Jun 08 17:18:21.63: [31768]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
> >
> >We are still trying to detect PPM...
> Yes, but completly out of command/response cycle (out of sync). This is also a problem in class 
> 2/2.0 but not so obvious to see :-)
> >Jun 08 17:19:01.62: [31768]: --> [0:]
> >Jun 08 17:19:01.62: [31768]: MODEM <Empty line>
> >Jun 08 17:19:01.62: [31768]: MODEM TIMEOUT: waiting for v.21 carrier
> >
> >... but with no luck even after 40 secs (T.30 T1 timer)
> You can close the door after 20 sec as well :-) And you can start this timeout exactly, when 
> detecting RTC...

So T1 is not applicable here?

> >Do you have any idea why all this can happen?
> As I said, I assume that fax software spent a lot of time (too much) to decode bits after RTC and 
> does not read quick enough DEL+ETX and/or 'NO CARRIER' response from modem. But this is only a 
> theorie. I can do only a diagnosis, if I can receive with my OS/2 fax software (and also a well 
> known PC), where I K_N_O_W exactly the timeing behaviour.

I'll check your theory by practice :-)

Hope to hear from you soon,

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