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[hylafax-devel] Re: Dmitry's mods - Class1
Robert Colquhoun <rjc@trump.net.au> writes:
> >Is the change to only try training at each speed once really a no-brainer?
> Well thats how the class 2 driver currently works. Previously the class 1
> driver was dropping speed on every second retrain...which in many RTN
> situations meant double the number of copies of the first page of the fax
> at the receivers end.
BTW, there are two *different* algorithms (and sections of Hylafax
code). First one implements initial training sequence (and has nothing to
do with RTN) and second handles RTN. We cannot predict how the first one is
implemented in Class2 modem -- it's entirely the modem's firmware and T.30
does not establish standard way to do that:
(quote from T.30)
REPHASE/TRAIN By some algorithm, it is deemed desirable to transmit a new
phasing/training signal.
Hope to hear from you soon,
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