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[hylafax-devel] Re: Dmitry's mods - Class1

At 12:38 PM 6/8/00 +0400, Dmitry Bely wrote:
>Robert Colquhoun <rjc@trump.net.au> writes:
> > >Is the change to only try training at each speed once really a no-brainer?
> >
> > Well thats how the class 2 driver currently works.  Previously the class 1
> > driver was dropping speed on every second retrain...which in many RTN
> > situations meant double the number of copies of the first page of the fax
> > at the receivers end.
>BTW, there are two *different* algorithms (and sections of Hylafax
>code). First one implements initial training sequence (and has nothing to
>do with RTN) and second handles RTN. We cannot predict how the first one is
>implemented in Class2 modem -- it's entirely  the modem's firmware and T.30
>does not establish standard way to do that:

oops!...shows how much attention i was paying...

if people want to this parameter could fairly easily be made configurable(i 

- Robert

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