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[hylafax-devel] Re: Dmitry's mods - Class1
At 12:41 AM 6/8/00 -0400, Darren Nickerson wrote:
> Robert> The class1-general and class2-general were committed early
> yesterday.
> Robert> There wasn't anything really controversial about them. I am
> working
> Robert> on adding the RTN Handling bit now.
>I just checked out the current CVS and I see that the changes are there.
>However, the commit notification never made it to the list (hence my thinking
>they had not been done). This is my bad, . . . it must be, and I'll track it
I got the notification and a copy from the mailing list.
>Is the change to only try training at each speed once really a no-brainer?
Well thats how the class 2 driver currently works. Previously the class 1
driver was dropping speed on every second retrain...which in many RTN
situations meant double the number of copies of the first page of the fax
at the receivers end.
PS Attached below is the notice from hylafax-devel i got yesterday after
the change.
- Robert
>Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 19:47:29 -0700
>From: Robert Colquhoun <robert@sinkhole.tpc.int>
>Message-Id: <200006070247.TAA08021@sinkhole.tpc.int>
>To: hyla-cvs@sinkhole.tpc.int
>Subject: [hylafax-devel] 'hylafax/faxd' update now available
>X-archive-position: 474
>X-listar-version: Listar v0.129a
>X-original-sender: robert@sinkhole.tpc.int
>Precedence: bulk
>X-list: hylafax-devel
>Status: RO
>Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd
>In directory sinkhole.tpc.int:/tmp/cvs-serv8003/faxd
>Modified Files:
> Class1.c++ Class1Send.c++ ClassModem.c++ HDLCFrame.c++
>Log Message:
>Dmitry's class1-general patch:
> - Decoding T.30 DIS Frame
> - HDLC Timeout
> - Numberof training attempts
>...also fixed the modem soft rest stuff so that the correct delay is used.
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