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[hylafax-devel] Re: configure patch

Aidan Van Dyk <aidan@highrise.ca> writes:

> >> A one liner to make current CVS configure correctly for libtiff v 3.4
> >> 
> >> All it does was just take the major.minor  instead of the whole version
> >> string,
> > 
> > Previous version did the the same :-) "Version 3.4beta037" was recognized
> > as 3.4 (which I currently use).
> Yes, but 3.4033 wasn't recognized.

Oh, sorry. I supposed all 3.4 versions should be 3.4beta033, 3.4beta034 ...

OK, I accept your changes.

Also regarding '\+' in sed regexps:
Just replace it with '*':

-           sed -n -e 's/header_ver=\([0-9]\+\) lib_ver=.*Version *\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\).*/\
+           sed -n -e 's/header_ver=\([0-9]*\) lib_ver=.*Version *\([0-9]*\.[0-9]\).*/\

It will be enough.

Hope to hear from you soon,

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