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[hylafax-devel] Re: configure patch

Aidan Van Dyk <aidan@highrise.ca> writes:

> A one liner to make current CVS configure correctly for libtiff v 3.4
> All it does was just take the major.minor  instead of the whole version
> string,

Previous version did the the same :-) "Version 3.4beta037" was recognized
as 3.4 (which I currently use).

> because the configure script only looks at [0-9].[0-0] (with an

Wrong. It looked for <some digits><dot><some digits> sequence. (i.e. 3.4,
3.5, 33.55 etc) Why do you suggest that minor version can be only 1 digit

> equals, so 3.4xxx wasn't being recognized.

You mean 3.41 or similar? It *must* *not* be recognized as 3.4. Such library 
does no exist now, and we currently cannot predict its tiff_runlen_t size
(purpose of CheckLibtiff() function in configure script)

> --- hylafax-aidan/configure	Mon May 29 15:41:36 2000
> +++ hylafax/configure	Sun May 28 13:49:15 2000
> @@ -2274,7 +2274,7 @@
>          header_ver=0
>          lib_ver=""
>  	eval `./a.out | \
> -	    sed -n -e 's/header_ver=\([0-9]\+\) lib_ver=.*Version *\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\).*/\
> +	    sed -n -e 's/header_ver=\([0-9]\+\) lib_ver=.*Version *\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*/\
>                         header_ver=\1;lib_ver=\2/p'`
>  	Note "  Found tiffio.h version ${header_ver}"
>  	Note "  Found libtiff version ${lib_ver}"

Summary: useless and destructive :-)))

Hope to hear from you soon,

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