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[hylafax-devel] hylafax4.0beta024 (aka pl3)
For those of you still running v4.0pl2 I've put together
an *unofficial pl3 patch.
*(Whatever happened to Matthias Apitz?)
First, what's NOT in it:
I've not included the xferfax-patch.sh patch that address some
program name issues on Linux.
There has been no attempt to address any libtiff 3.5.x issues.
However there are tips in building.html on how to use libtiff 3.4
without downgrading your 3.5 system libraries.
The textfmt-fontmap.patch has not been included.
The idea was to
1) not break any platform that worked on pl2.
2) add fixes that would not conflict with #1
3) add support for newer platforms.
What patches are in it:
configure-redhat.patch Alters settings in the configure script for
ghostscript location and logwtmp. Required for
RedHat 4.x and 5.x Linux.
Submitted by Nico Gracia 15 Feb 98
Patch to recvstats and xferfaxstats scripts to
cvtDateTime.patch correct a Y2K rollover bug which causes faxcron to
report all faxes ever sent.
Submitted by Dmitry Bely 10 Feb 00
Rearrange order of libraries and includes in
defs-regex.patch defs.in. Required for 5.x Linux.
Submitted by Nico Gracia 17 Feb 98
Unless i have missed something obvious, attached is
a patch file that i think will fix the security
faxalter-exploit.patch vulnerability in faxalter. Hopefully i didn't break
anything in the process.
Submitted by Robert Colquhoun 11 Nov 99
This patch allows specification of the ModemFmt,
JobFmt & RcvFmt in the environment. This way the
changes in the format string can be made on the
faxclient.patch fly. It also adds two new options -m and -n, which
turn off the server and modem status reports and
turn off the headers. This is all designed to make
it easier to parse the output.
Submitted by Damian Ivereigh 15 Jul 98.
Here is a patch to faxcover.c++ that allows line
feeds in the comments to do the right thing. There
was an extra '\' in the wrong place along with a
faxcover.patch few other things. I have increased the maximum
comment length to 60 and put it into a variable (it
was hard coded at 35).
Submitted by Damian Ivereigh 15 Jul 98.
Faxcron was sometimes bothering with minor error
faxcron-dirs.patch messages when grep'ing directories. This diff made
it shut up.
Submitted by Tobias Richter 21 Mar 98
Faxcron is supposed to return the associated trace
log of any calls that failed suspiciously. It never
faxcron-failures.patch worked for me. If the failures tests have a first
letter capital (as they do in the etc/xferlog),
then it worked fine.
Submitted by Seth Chaiklin 20 Mar 98
Faxcron deletes the seqf file in the receive queue,
if no faxes have been received during the AGERCV
faxcron-seqf.patch period. The same is true for the log seqf file.
Submitted by Peter Stamfest 7 May 2000
Corrected by Tim Rice
Faxmail gets itself into an infinite loop when
processing a MIME message of Content-type:
faxmail-rfc822.patch message/rfc822. The problem lies in faxmail.c++.
Fixed 06 Dec 98
Submitted by Michael Salzmann 09 Apr 98;
Shell script that fixes the links in the html
fixhtml-patch.sh documentation at install time.
Submitted by Nico Garcia 7 Feb 98
Required by systems with gcc 2.8.0 or above,
gcc-2.8.x.patch including egcs. Fixed 16 Jan 99
Submitted by Robert Colquhoun 20 Feb 98
The time conversion for expire time (LASTTIME job
parm) was wrong for times longer than 24 hours. If
lasttime.patch you specify 25 hours, it gave you 49 hours, and
report that it has given you 97 hours.
Submitted by Trevor Blackwell 13 Jul 98
This patch fixes a Y2K bug found in AtSyntax.c++ by
leap-year.patch Ken Cornetet.
Submitted by Robert Colquhoun 19 May 99
I discovered that 'make package' does not work
pkg.patch.gz outside the source tree.
It was ~50K uncompressed so I gzipped it.
Submitted by Tim Rice 03 Nov 98
Fixes problem in FaxRequest.c++ where if you send a
posix-rename.patch fax to multiple destinations, hylafax leaves files
in the docq directory which never get cleaned out.
Submitted by John Williams 23 Oct 99
This patch hopefully fixes 3 bugs that can
potentially lead to the RTN failure - byte-aligned
protocol-rtn.patch first EOL, extra RTC in the TIFF file, extra RTC
sent by HylaFAX in Class 2.0 mode.
Submitted by Dimtry Bely 29 Mar 00
Config file for Rockwell AC/K56 based Class 2
modems such as the Multitech MT5600ZDX. Work by
rockwell-k56.config Mark J. Bailey, Jonathan Mau and Glenn Burkhardt.
Now Updated
Submitted by Phil Watkinson 29 Feb 00
Tobias Richter has highlighted vulnerability in the
scripts recvstats, faxcron, probemodem, faxsetup
and faxaddmodem due to /tmp race conditions; with
the possibility of a denial of service attack or
security-patch.sh access to the account executing these scripts.
Also deletes the exploitable faxsurvey CGI script,
and all references to it from the install.
Submitted by Carsten Hoeger 23 Sep 98
Revised by Nico Kadel-Garcia 14 Oct 98.
Shell portability fixes by Tim Rice
RedHat Linux 5.x seems to have a buggy cron daemon,
providing an environment in which the signal from
sendfax-cron.patch the child is being ignored. The problem affects
sendfax and sendpage.
Submitted by Yves Carlier 22 Oct 98
Here is a patch that allows the entry of a voice
sendfax.patch number into sendfax.c++ that will appear on the
cover page. The option used is '-V'.
Submitted by Damian Ivereigh 15 Jul 98.
The following etc/pagermap entry does not work as
expected (.*)@(.*) \2/\1 and pagesend/hfaxd
snppserver.patch attempted to dial \2 instead of the second regexp
match; apparently due to hfaxd applying the regexp
to the PIN and not the dial string.
Submitted by Chas Williams 17 Apr 98
Patch to util/StackBuffer[.h .c++] to add equals
operator ( ie operator= ) function. Fixes SIGSEV in
stackbuffer.patch pagesend after sending ucp page. A defined
operator= would catch other instances of code
assigning one fxStackBuffer to another.
Submitted by Robert Colquhoun 27 Jul 98
This patch allows the configure script to create a
SysV style 'hylafax' bootup script correctly for
sysv-init-patch.sh SunOS and other systems without the default init.d
Submitted by Nico Kadel-Garcia 18 Nov 98
Corrected/Enhanced by Tim Rice
HylaFAX doesn't print national characters in the
tagline-chars.patch tagline of facsimiles. This patch fixes this.
Submitted by Ronald Appelfelder 22 Mar 00
I have found the bug in faxd/Tagline.c++. There was
a calculation mistake, the author took away a
tagline.patch quantity in bits when in should have been in bytes.
This put around 6-12 bytes of junk on the page at
the end of every tagline.
Submitted by Robert Colquhoun 14 Aug 98.
Patch to util/TextFmt.c++ to prevent faxmail
textfmt-mailer.patch failing with 'mailer died with exit status 13'
error on RedHat 5.0.
Submitted by Robert Colquhoun 10 Apr 98.
This modem config file will enable the faxaddmodem
script to automatically detect UMC modems with BIOS
umc92144.config versions as used in the Creatix 14400 modems
SG144U, SG144Ui, Phonemaster 144VF and 144VFi.
Submitted by Steffan Klipsch 03 Oct 98
This patch includes all the (currently known)
changes to configure, configure.site and faxsetup
unixware.patch needed for compilation on Unixware 7.
Updated for change to style of uucp locks.
Submitted by Tim Rice 05/10 Oct 98; 27 Jan 99
Patch to xferstat script not included in v4.0pl2
due to it being 'not generic'. To be applied where
xferstat-domains.patch the error "Warning, address clash" is seen from
Submitted by Jonathan Chen 28 May 97
Updated the build tips for SCO Open Server 5,
UnixWare, and Linux in building.html.
Other changes by Fixed init.d/hylafax for shells with non SYSV style
Tim Rice echo.
Added fixes to compile on UnixWare 7.1.0
Misc fixes for Linux.
Fixed some bugs in the SCO Open Server 5 port
that caused locked serial ports.
Platforms I have tested on:
UnixWare 2.03
UnixWare 2.13
UnixWare 7.1.0
SCO Open Server 3 (aka 3.2v4.2)
SCO Open Server 5.0.4
Caldera OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4
Where to get the patch:
Currently it can be found at
MD5 (hylafax4.0beta024-patch.sh.gz) = e1cd031260864677708b74baeb769f6b
Although I consider this to be production code,
until it's had wider testing I'll call it 4.0beta024
If you find any bugs, please let me know.
Tim Rice Multitalents (707) 874-1130
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