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[hylafax-devel] Re: **BUG** DestControls broken

At 08:15 AM 5/30/00 +0400, Dmitry Bely wrote:
>Aidan Van Dyk <aidan@highrise.ca> writes:
> >
> > Also - on the topics of patches, tabs == 8 or 4?
>8, although IMHO better not use them at all (only spaces).

Most of the current hylafax source has a indentation of 4 spaces and 1 tab 
mark representing 2 indentations(ie tab size must be set to 8 spaces or the 
source code is unreadable).

This is not a good situation at all.

To be compatible with the current code(and the apache standards..)  i have 
been trying to convert each indentation to 4 space characters(vi settings: 
set autoindent, set expandtab, set tabstop=4).  ie completely remove the 
tab character from the source code.

Because of the above situation i would also appreciate if people write if 
or loop statements that go over more than  line that they would put 
brackets around it ie

if (condition) {


  if (condition)

...apart from that i don't really care that much what else you do ;-)

- Robert

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