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[hylafax-devel] Re: Hylafax's Goals & Suitable Modems
>I'd be willing to do a one off re-write of FAQ Q003 or even write a FAQ
>Q00X "Which modems are suitable for building a stable fax server?" if we
>can get the information out of the users/developers. This information is
>badly needed.
> I'm obviously mostly interested in the currently available modems.
i have (very) good experiences with relatively cheap elsa modem
"microlink 56k basic" inc class 2.0. I do not know if you get them in
canada, but they are common
in germany. please search the archives for "proissl" and "elsa".
You have to pick the config file from the elsa web site to make it run
there have been some reports that i hylafax generated config file does not
proberly (sending failures, distorted faxes)
Bernd Proissl
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